Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal - Watch the video!

Laser Hair Removal  

Tired of constantly shaving and waxing unwanted facial and body hair?

  • This treatment is fast, easy, affordable and practically pain-free
  • Laser hair removal is for all skin types
  • Treatments are fast and results are permanent

How does it work?

With the Cynosure Elite System you can get the touchable skin you’ve always wanted. All you need is a few simple treatments to get lasting results. The secret lies in the technology that targets and destroys hair cells responsible for hair growth without harming the surrounding skin.

What results can I expect?

You can expect to see a gradual decrease in hair thickness and the amount of hair in the area with each treatment. Since this treatment only targets hair in the active phase of growth, multiple treatments are often needed for complete removal. Treatment plans can be adjusted to fit everyone’s lifestyle. Speak to your provider regarding desired, downtime, comfort and results.

Packages offered based on “small” area, “medium” area and “large” area.

(6 treatments per package)

Full in-house financing available as low as $30 a month.

Book a FREE consultation for more information.